Stokes, Williams, Sharp has over 100 years of experience in litigation to help get you what you deserve.
Knoxville’s leading environmental law firm since 1998. Whether you are seeking to preserve a favorable outcome or to overturn an adverse ruling, Stokes, Williams, Sharp has the skill, experience, and legal knowledge to get you the result you need.

We’re ready to fight for you.
Our environmental, chemical and toxic tort practice includes litigation as well as advisory and compliance work. We have served as lead defense counsel in toxic tort cases involving a variety of contaminants in Tennessee state courts. Among the substances at issue are dioxin, asbestos, PCBs, lead and other heavy metals, and pentachlorophenol. These cases have involved claims of personal injury, including cancer, immune diseases, cognitive and attention deficits, and a wide variety of other illnesses. Claims for property damage, site remediation and medical monitoring are something with which our attorneys also have experience.
Our clients also regularly utilize our environmental services in connection with real estate acquisitions and other types of corporate transactions, and we counsel our financial institution clients regarding potential environmental liabilities associated with their lending activities.
These awards are earned. You are in good hands.

Meet our environmental attorneys.
Our environmental and natural resources attorneys provide sophisticated and efficient legal representation in this complex and continually evolving area of the law. We are well-versed in federal, state, regional and local regulatory and liability issues, and understand the importance of remaining current on the many changes taking place in environmental law. We maintain good relationships with the regulatory decision-makers for the benefit of our clients, and to keep our team updated on all aspects of environmental and natural resource-related issues.