Knoxville’s top auto accident case provider since 1999. At Stokes, Williams, Sharp our goal is get the very best result possible for our clients in each case, no matter the complexity or the amount of damages involved.

Knoxville Car Accident Attorneys

We’re ready to fight for you.

We understand that in each case we take our clients deserve our individual time, attention, and focused expertise. Having handled thousands of vehicle accident cases, we approach your case knowing that your case is unique and will have distinctive strong and weak points. Our attorneys are skilled at identifying your case’s unique issues and are experienced at capitalizing on these issues to get you the best result achievable.

Importantly, in an age where cases are settled more often than tried, our experienced legal team prepares each case for trial from day one. We know that, whether a case is tried or settled out of Court, our clients get the best results when we look at each case with the end in sight. At Stokes, Williams, Sharp we have the experience and drive to get you your best result, no matter what the case involves.

These awards are earned. You are in good hands.

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